About Our Gallery
The Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery (formerly Potomac Craftsmen Gallery) was the first fiber arts gallery in the metropolitan Washington, DC, area. It was established in September of 1974 and was an original occupant of the Torpedo Factory Art Center in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. It is a cooperative association of up to 70 fiber artists, many of whom teach and have been published.
To continue our tradition of excellence, all work exhibited in the gallery is juried to keep our standards high. There are 11 themed shows every year with a wide variety of fiber art. Traditional offerings of quilts, weavings, knits, and crochet are available, as well as innovative art that uses fiber techniques with nontraditional materials, such as metals, glass, wood, and clay.
Membership in the Potomac Fiber Arts Gallery is open to all qualifying fiber artists in the metropolitan Washington, DC, area.
Members who exhibit are required to work in some capacity in the gallery and must join the Potomac Fiber Arts Guild. For more information concerning the application process please contact the Membership Manager with this online form.
Board of Directors and Officers
Chairman: Mickey Kunkle
Vice Chairman: Nan Lopata
Business Manager: Larry Novak
Treasurer: Rebecca Dahlman
Staff Manager: Judy Porter
Secretary: Barbara Dove
Membership Manager: Carol Brobst
Newsletter Editor: Gretchen Klimoski
Publicity Manager: Nancy Pollack (see our Press Page for inquiries)
Display Managers: Paige Garber, Eileen Doughty
Web Master: Marla Rudnick