larry novak
After many years working as a project manager in the computer field, I became a weaver and bookbinder. As a trained mathematician and computer scientist, I am fascinated by the complexities of weaving and the similarities between computer programming and designing for woven textiles. I spend lots of time at the computer designing textiles before taking the design to the studio and the loom. I am influenced by the work of Anni Albers and the Bauhaus artists and by the symmetry studies of M. C. Escher. Most of my weaving involves using fine threads, complex design patterns or intricate color blending. One of my favorite weave structures is double weave, which weaves two layers of cloth simultaneously. By moving sections of the layers from back to front and vice versa, wonderful patterns and color blending can be produced.
Most of my work is functional - either wearable textiles or textiles for the home, although I will occasionally make a wall hanging. I am a member of the Central Pennsylvania Guild of Handweavers, the Potomac Fiber Arts Guild, the Weaver's Guild of Greater Baltimore, Complex Weavers Guild, and the Handweavers Guild of America. Most of my training has been at the Mannings Handweaving School near Gettysburg and at various workshops.